Sugarscape - Last updated: 2024-03-04

A simple implementation of the Sugarscape simulation, both with and without UI, fully based on the RustAB framework. The objectives of the simulation are simple:

There is a field with some slots, called "patches", each one with a specific amount of sugar. A specific amount of agents, called eaters, are placed into the field.

Each agent has the following attributes:

  • Age: how many steps are passed since its birth;
  • Max Age: the maximum age it can reach before it dies;
  • Wealth: the amount of sugar it ate;
  • Metabolism: the amount of sugar it digests every step;
  • Vision: the radius of the area where it searches free patches;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Eater {
    pub id: u32,
    pub position: Int2D,
    pub vision: u32,
    pub metabolism: u32,
    pub age: u32,
    pub max_age: u32,
    pub wealth: i32,

Each agent has to find a free patch with the highest amount of sugar near him. If a free patch has been found, the agent moves to its position and "eats" the amount of sugar of that patch. If an agent reaches its max age, or its wealth goes below zero, it respawns in a random position inside the field.

This is the WebAssembly powered simulation currently running at near-native speed in your browser!